Soylent Green: Why it Might Not Work
“Plankton” wafers, bodily autonomy, and the Ick Factor: Moral hang-ups of the infamous Soylent Green.
William Banting’s OG Low Carb Diet: A Nutrient Analysis
In 1863, William Banting’s “Letter on Corpulence” popularized a low carb diet in Victorian England….
Vitamin D’s Space Travel Class Upgrade
How Vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin,” becomes essential in space.
Aldosterone in Space
Learn about the steroid hormone aldosterone and its role in regulation of fluids and electrolytes,…
Enhancing Food’s Freshness with Sound Amplification
Regarding space fare, astronauts frequently complain that “the food …lacks a certain crunch,” and consequently…
What’s the Deal with Astronauts and Shrimp Cocktail?
Shrimp cocktail has been a staple of NASA menus since the Gemini missions and remains…